How Marijuana Actually Helps Anxiety

I’m sure many of you have read through cannabis strain descriptions for same day weed delivery, and noticed that several if not the majority of them claim to help reduce symptoms of anxiety. You may have wondered, “how does weed make my anxiety and depression anyway”? Well, we did the research so you don’t have to! Here’s exactly why marijuana is a perfect all natural solution to your anxiety…

Let’s break down how weed “works”

So the first thing to know, is how cannabis makes us feel the things it does. In our brain, there’s a very important chemical called anandamide which happens to very closely resemble THC in its structure. When you’re toking, the THC enters the body and attaches to your cannabinoid receptors. This causes a bit of chaos in the body and interrupts your normal day-to-day mental function, resulting in a high.

Great, so how does this actually help anxiety?

According to this article, “One specific reason why marijuana has the calming effect that it does is because it affects the neurotransmitter GABA which can stop anxiety in its tracks. GABA levels are what are targeted by benzodiazepines — common prescription anti-anxiety drugs! Marijuana can also lower cortisol, the stress hormone, when used regularly, as one study found.

A more widely accepted/less controversial option is CBD oil, which is easy to come by these days. It doesn’t contain THC, so you won’t get high, but you will reap the anxiety reducing benefits. CBD alone is considered to be pretty safe. It’s thought to work by affecting the CB1 receptor in the brain, which in turn positively affects serotonin levels.”

Pretty cool, huh? So next time you’re checking out our online menu, take a look at our strains that are high in both THC and CBD for maximum anxiety curing benefits 🙂

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