Mazar Hash

  • 1/8 OZ: $35
  • 1/4 OZ: $70
  • 1/2 OZ: $140
  • OZ: $280
  • Hybrid


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Mazar Sharif Hash is a high-quality and extremely potent cannabis concentrate that is crafted from the trichomes of the weed plant. This hash is made using a traditional process of pressing and heating the cannabis plant, which results in a concentrated form of the plant’s active ingredients. This hash is then carefully tested and packaged to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality, potency, and purity. The potency of a cannabis hash can contain up to 90% THC levels, making its effects very strong. Lion Hash is recommended for advanced weed users because of its extremely high potency.


1/2, 1/4, 1/8, OZ



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