The Growing Cycle Of Cannabis, 6 Steps To Bud

Just like any plant on this awesome planet we call Earth, marijuana has a very unique and special growing cycle. Each step is just as important as the others, and if allowed to flourish correctly, will result in delicious buds ready to smoke or order for same day weed delivery. Read on to find out what makes each of these 6 steps critical to the success of a cannabis plant…

Step 1: Seed Germination

Sounds kinda weird right? But this first step is very important to growing a healthy and bountiful cannabis plant. You must first make sure your seeds are mature, as immature seeds are less likely to germinate. Leave your seeds in a wet dark place, some may use a damp paper towel or a cup of water.

Step 2: Seedling Stage

This is the most fragile stage of cannabis growth, as the seedling must get 18-24 hours of sunlight, moderately moist soil, and mild humidity to help the small plant grow quickly. A weed leaf is made up of anywhere between 3 and 13 fingers! 

Step 3: Vegetative Growth

Once the young seedling starts to mature and grow healthy thick vegetation, it enters vegetative growth. This is the stage in which a grower will start “topping” their plants. This is when the plant can grown anywhere from 2 to 3 feet tall!\

Step 4: Pre-Flowering

This can take anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks for a plant to enter. This is when plants are identified as either male or female, both of which produce different types of buds. For example, a non-pollinated female plant produce Sinsemilla, which “has an exceptionally high concentration of psychoactive agents and is responsible for effects like talkativeness, increased sociability, euphoria, the munchies, and even hallucinations”.

Step 5: Flowering

Woohoo! This is when the trichomes mature and change from transparent to a beautiful amber colour. This amber colour in fact indicates a higher CBD to THC cannabinoid ratio in its resin. 

Step 6: Harvesting

Finallyyyyy, the fun part. The cannabis is usually dried by cutting the plant into small sections, hung upside in a cool dark room, and left for 7-14 days. By removing the moisture in the plant, bacteria and fungus growth is drastically prevented and the life of the cannabis bud is preserved. 

Now it’s time for this weed to be enjoyed! Whether through smoking flower, enjoying an edible, or turning that THC into a concentrate, DankHub has the perfect product for your marijuana enjoyment 🙂

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